today is a Saturday, July 26, 2008 :)
guitar hero
yeah i know before posting this guitar hero blog i should have posted my camiguin pics... but then they're sooo big and who would have thought that we will have 1693 pictures for the span of four days.... so i'll save that for another time... pending muna..
but then last sunday rico kuya nino my mom and i went to greenhills for a "family" lunch and shopping.... i got myself a memory card for my phone ...and the crocs o-dial for my phone and an earphone for my phone... hahaha yup got my phone pimped! then the two boys got Guitar Hero for the xbox 360 at home... at first i told myself... i won't even touch it ... ever.. coz im gonna wait til december for our wii....
but yesterday supposedly rico and i have a date coz we barely see each other at all :) but then when he arrived at home i was dead tired... why? i was tired after playing guitar hero for 2 straight hours :) and now ... we postponed again our date since rico is not feeling well... kuya's not at home and rico's in front of the pc.... am not playing with my laptop...
i'm playing..
GUITAR HERO legends of rock and aerosmith...
ilayo na yan sakin!
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
1:27:00 PM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....