today is a Tuesday, June 30, 2009 :)
i am me
1. I think I am a spoiled brat... Rico says so :) hahaha
2. I totally am a SARAH GERONIMO FAN. If someone's gonna say something bad about her , that someone will be on my BAD SIDE LIST ... ndi ko na friend yun!.
3. I am a Methodist. My kids will be Methodist whatever Rico says.
4. I sing... I may joke about it but I do..
5. I don't know how to swim .
6. I don't know how to ride the bike either... looser!
7. I passed UPCAT... yes I did. There were only 4 people from our school who passed UPCAT.. the valedictorian , the salutatorian , the 1st honorable mention and me... was I even in the Top 10 of the class.. I don't think so... hehehe
8. I entered PLM coz my mom told me so. She said it would be cost efficient for our family if I attend PLM than UP..... PT was their choice, Masscomm was mine... now I sometimes wonder what could have happened if I am a PT today ... ???
9. I love travelling. 2-3 Out of town trips a year is a must!
10. I enjoy watching TV series... Gossip Girl . Ugly Betty and The Big Bang Theory.. a must download every week.. FrIends... all time pick me upper!
11. The only korean novela that I watched , cried and laughed with are... Princess Hours.. Lovers in Paris and Meteor Garden.
12.I've never been to a dentist until I had my braces. That was the only time that I agreed to see a dentist. But come to think of it . I am toooo tamad to see my ortho !
13. I developed my love for coffee when I was in college. Late night / Overnight study sessions , coffee is a must.. as well as RX 93.1
14. The first and last time that I am gonna ride a roller coaster was last June 2007 , Space Mountain HK Disneyland... For now... y? I don't like , enjoy riding roller coasters... Log Jam carry PA!
15. I am easy to get along with. If I don't like you I won't talk to you. If you talk to me , I might respond but I won't open up a conversation with you.
16. I am a teritorial person.
17. I cry A LOT.
18. If we can't settle down in Bataan (which is impossible!), I am now considering Quezon Province as a place to raise my kids.
19. While writing this I am now thinking that I am a boring person...
20. I have allergic rhinitis , sinusitis and probably asthma.. all given to me by my MOM.
21. I declared every 21st of February as a HOLIDAY. Ever since , I don't really go to school and work during that day. I think this year is different.
22. I don't like celebrating Valentine's day. Probably because my birthday is just a week after. Flowers are cheaper, every valentine's gift is already on sale by that time.
23.We plan to get hitched this year or early next year. But then I want to get a car also this year... car ? wedding? car? wedding? ... hmmmm CAR!
24. I collect starbucks bearista bears.. That's the first collection that I have for myself... Thanks to Rico.
25. My kids will be named Francesca Loiuse and Peter Enzo.
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
12:02:00 AM
1 bulong
diba, dati nga ....