today is a Monday, October 31, 2005 :)
i would like to formally announce that i am declaring OCTOBER as the MOVING ON month... although march is the usual moving up month wherein all of those commencement thingy happens i, mayu pagtalunan, is announcing that OCTOBER is the MOVING ON month...
1. my dad 2. tris and me 3. voodoo to vanquishu to lex 4. inbound to outbound 5. jing to mentor (sikat ka!)
first day funk the second time around... first day jitters although i've been with the program for almost a year and half already... it's like taking your first steps... taking in your first call... taking in your first breath... nakakatakot pala.. d ko alam ang gagawin ko... nakakatakot magkamali...nakakatakot mag isa...
(to be continued)
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
5:25:00 AM
2 bulong
diba, dati nga ....