today is a Saturday, October 01, 2005 :)
TimEline TAG!
this is a timeline tag that i found while i was blog hopping... kinda exciting... kakaadik
1985 twas only 4 years old then.. still busy playing lutu-lutuan and langit lupa ... no pretentions, no responsibilities, no hassles in life just living a very simple life...eat play and be merry
FIFTEEN YEARS AGO 1990 elementary days twas 9 years old... grade three/fourth grader...goin near to being an adolescent.. having first crushes...enduring the painstaking namecalling which is so evident when you are just in the primary school...but still this is also the time of my life where i started gettin busy being involved at church (ANGELIC CHOIRS.. hah those concerts i could never ever forget!) and also this was the time when i was one of the provincial champions during those english sumthin tournament... ha!
TEN YEARS AGO 1995 high school days oh my high school days... 14 years of existence here on this blue planet...twas one of the happiest days of my life...i've established my lifelong friends at this point .. marites, vina,mac,bigs,allan,bam,tere,beng and ziac...peer pressure is also every evident ... this is also one of the exciting point for me being an active UMYFer... waiting for december to come for the annual CI (christmas institute...) also couple of crushes ... hahahaha ...
FIVE YEARS AGO 2000 college days... spending last inside the walls of PAMANTASAN... cramming with the productions be it film, radio and tv. out of town productions... goin to laguna (jaye's) or our frequent trips to leth's haus in moonwalk village las pinas...goin to padi's point for our after school trips..being literally a cinderella coz i need to be home by 12mn... dancing with the tune do you believe in me...this was also the start of the gsm generation falling in line at the globe office to pay my unlimited text for three months for the price of Php 330.00... hay those were the days... also this was the time where in i was able to be a part of teh DAYAW ARTS Festival in Luneta organized by CCP/NCCA where i got my OJT experience.. i can also remember that this was the time or the golden times of our STUDIO TOURS and ADVERTISING and PUBLIC RELATIONS ek ek... major heartbreaks... don't wanna go about it...
hay college days... one of the best days of my life im glad i spent it with six of the most interesting,beautiful ,witty and intelligent people in this universe (JAYE my best friend, Leth , Leng, Kat,Eci and Ryan)
THREE YEARS AGO 2002 exactly three years ago i met my tristan since then we've been together also was part of the most admired wireless provider... SMART COMMUNICATIONS
LAST YEAR 2004 new family... new life.. i joined convergys as a technical support representative... any difference in my life?.... we'll i think there were MAJOR changes in my life... met my friends.. (pao dru rache) through thick and thin we stick together ...
THIS YEAR 2005 major transition.. taking in calls.. asking myself what would happen with my career, with my life this year a lot of things happen with my family , my sanse and kuya ent home for my dad's birthday.. this year, was able to prove to myself that i can be a little bit responsible since i moved out of the house and now living on my own... ...new found friends (jing shelly,rico, mayet and the whole voodoo team...new teammates) ....dyed my hair BLACK! NEXT YEAR 2006 hopefully i'll be out of the country with a little bit of savings ... if im still here in the philippines hopefully i've moved into a higher position in the company that i am in ryt now...
TEN YEARS FROM NOW lemme think about it first.....
who am i tagging??? all of you
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
10:58:00 PM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....