today is a Wednesday, April 11, 2007 :)
not yet done
my favorite things
1.habayanas. they're so comfortable yet fahionable. simple yet hard rockin beasts. :) a couple of weeks ago was the make your own havaianas in rockwell. after work , i dragged rico to powerplant and indulged myself to tons of soles , thongs, blings and knick knacks for my "shelas". i've bveen meaning to post some pics of the two pairs i got , probably by tom. i've got a black and pink combo and brown and bronze ones. both has pins attached to them , a star and a mini-havis respectively both silver in color . though i've gotten different feedbacks from people around me regarding the said flip flops , all in all i'm sooo glad i went and got the tsinelas. now i have 3 pairs. and planning to get probably two more. can you believe i was able to persuade rico and kuya niño to buy also a pair of habayanas for themselves.... wah this is something
2. my digicam. last christmas i've got myself a new baby . my casio exilim z600 . it's a 6MP , 3x optical zoom , 2.7 inch LCD. yeah i know, 2.7 inches. that satisfied me in my cravings for pictures. my mom like it as well she wants to keep it :) she used it when she went to SG. my niece used it during her graduation day . i use it practically everyday. i just sooo love it.
3.last week rico and i got new phones. we choose 2 phones. a p990i and a z520i. we were suppose to get the k800 or the z610 (the clamshell which has a very sophisticated casing!) but kent (my teammate) mentioned that one of the best phone you can get these days is p990i which has almost everything, so i mentioned it to rico while we're looking around. he was quite hesitant to get it at first but when i said it is capable of doing all things including WI FI , that did it :) a light bulb went on and he immediately said, i like that , you sure u want it? *pakipot pa c rico* i said YEAH... and he even gave a very big smile when he realized that you can do your spreadsheets in it... well haven't i mentioned in my prev post that adik sa excel c rico ? and that's the story of the p990i.. well the z520i? just looks great with my ipod and digicam
4.well ... i've got a new favorite thing... UGLY BETTY. so sad that we don't have cable , but well if there's a will there's a way ... thank God for video streaming , i , mayu pagtalunan , am able to watch UGLY BETTY... It was really fascinating how they've reconceptualized the said program. The lights, productions , sets and actors are all good. So happiness....
5. coming up....
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
8:24:00 AM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....