today is a Sunday, April 01, 2007 :)
over a venti caramel macchiato
this is my "very-negative- full-of-ranting i-just-need-this-to-get-out-of-my-chest-post" i have been meaning to post about my rants about workstuffs these past few days. i dunno if it's normal but yes i've cried twice already this week because of being left out and reporting for work. i even told my mom already my work rants and fraustrations. she said that i should not say "naiirita na ako at naiinis na ako sa opisina na to" whenever i'm calling her coz people might here me. i always respond, if i won't say it i might loose my mind and end up being a total wacko... i'm glad my mom understood me.
people i know gets their chance on a step higher in the corporate ladder. besides the fact that they have the credentials for it seems like their fairygodmothers are working overnight to give them what they wished for.
how about mayu? still here ... in her desk ( at least i have my own post!) waiting and waiting and waiting.
i'm tired of waiting. where's my fairygodmother? i know i can do it.ive got a bucketful of experience and knowledge needed but .... still it's copmpletely empty in their eyes. what's missing ? whatelse do they want?
i feel so left out. i'm afraid to go out with my friends and develop another round of self pity boost. they're all team leads , qa, qsp and buc *going to strategist something*. when it comes to me ... agent ... tsr.... sure ive got a very hefty payslip in my sleeves (sure enough when will have our reunion , i bet i'm earning more than some of my classmates who has titles already, if not we are at the same boat in terms of pay ... though i'm not bragging about it or so.. just a logical explanation i hope you're getting my point.)
i know that i can't rant forever and i need to grow up and accept that i cant have everything. life is full of ups and downs. and i can't be always a winner.
thank God to people around me who keeps me sane
thanks to rico. he has been and always so supportive loving and just being my everything. and always remind me to count my blessings. he prays with me everytime and i'm very fortunate for having him beside me.
thanks to my mom for the chicka and the kuentos that keeps me smiling everyday.
thanks to my family. keep up the drama and comedy that we bring in each others life.
thanks to the araniego family for keeping me. having those sunday lunches with you are well what can i say ... so family . hahahaha.
thanks to my three agents jem pat and carlo plus mai lyndamae and ben my co - mini TL and the rest of the CBT who inspires me to do good and perform well in my current state. also for the chickahan portion and kuento galore.
thanks to my superfriends. the emails? keep em coming ... jaye! call me :)
thanks to pao dru shelly and jing for just being there .
and to you reading this thanks for keeping up
i just REALLY need to get this out of my mind ...
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
8:48:00 PM
7 bulong
diba, dati nga ....