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psychedelic musings of a tarayquin

today is a Saturday, January 28, 2006

:) before goin sumwer north

after a tablet of no drowse decolgen and a capsule of solmux, i mayunes is still sick..
hell yeah i'm sick as in sick talaga....
my body so super aching and my nose is running on a marathon... 500 m dash winner!! and i look like rudolf.. my nose is so puffy red and swollen.. like if you stand on the helipad of enterprise you'll know it is I who is standing here in the 50/F of PBCOM!
i was so badtrip yesterday after learning that the good ol' laundry shop wasn't able to finish washing my laundry!... i gave it to them a couple of days ago expecting that the job will be done by friday so that i can pack my bags and be all set for my trup... but woah! yesterday i found out that they haven't started washing them yet! ... talk about MAJOR ASAR!.... i was forced to wash my clothes yesterday... talk about 3 maong pants , 1 jacket, 1 maong shorts and a big bunch of baby tees.... wah... maybe... that was the reason why i have this flu in the first place... waH!
why do i have this feeling that this trip is so exciting?
like everybody's fighting now and then once we are sumwer in the northern lands then everything will be fine...

well... i'll just continue to wish....
this time isn't just a half wish.... a big WISH...

pray for us... sana makabalik....kahit d nanghiram ng camera... hehehe

ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong .. 9:13:00 AM
0 bulong

diba, dati nga ....
