today is a Wednesday, January 25, 2006 :)
over the chemical brothers "galvanized"
why does the sun shines mighty in the day and retires itself in the night? why do we keep on dreaming and eventually realize that we need to wake up to reality.. we need to face the challenge that this world constatntly gives us why should we suffer inside and yet give a shining smile to those who can see us?
246pm manila time i'm here in the office dunno what to do i should be heading off to bataan to see my mom and yet i'm still here nag aadik well you can't blame me... heaven opened up it's windows today and poured out it's tears... my oh my... rain drenched the streets... ok ... i know that's a bit much for me to say... streets are not that drenched...
--- i was doing my blog hop today... this time i went and stopped by at popzki's blog.... it so nice to know that he did answered a survey!
hehehe aliw.. here's my version of weird spag's 5 layers... LAYER 0NE: -- Name: mayunes -- Birth date: feb 21 1981 -- Birthplace: philippines -- Current Location: makati -- Eye Color: Brown -- Hair Color: Black -- Height: 5'4 -- Righty or Lefty: righty! -- Zodiac Sign: Pisces
LAYER TWO: -- The shoes you wore today: shelas.. im wearin my banig syelas -- Your weakness: heights, friends -- Your fears: heights -- Your perfect pizza: pizza?? dunno... -- Goal you'd like to achieve:
LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase(s): "adik" -- Your thoughts first waking up: time is it?? man! -- Your best physical feature: my best physical sumthin?? yeah myt change this to worst i'll fill this page for u! -- Your bedtime: Recently... around 7pm... -- Your most missed memory: missed??
LAYER FOUR: -- In love?: think so?
LAYER FIVE: -- Cuss: um.. -- Sing: yeah! so much -- Take a shower everyday: so much! definitely -- Have a crush: .. yeah! -- Do you think you've been in love: Yes. -- Want to go to college: again? yeah -- Like(d) high school: YeaH. -- Want to get married: Of course. -- Believe in yourself: yeah i do -- Get motion sickness: yep but im beginning to learn how to fight it.. hehehe -- Think you're attractive: well... not that much.. i'd like to think so... -- Think youre a health freak?: nope.. im not a health freak.. freakazoid personality? yeah -- Get along with your parent(s): Sometimes. -- Like thunderstorms: NOPE -- Play an instrument: yeah.. bass guitar.. (dati!@) and piano!
maybe i'll call it a day... heaven's clearing up...
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
2:40:00 PM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....