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psychedelic musings of a tarayquin

today is a Sunday, December 25, 2005

:) twas christmas eve

(i arrived at my ditse's place at around 8ish pm 12-24-05... was hoping that i can snatch some sleep but... well it's 10ish already i'm still alive alert awake enthusiastic! thanks to ayette and maja!)

...well christmas eve and our yearly family dinner went by smoothly last night.... well .. ok.. i'll admit i wasnt at the celbration part itself... just on the latter part... i was asleep the whole time til 1210am , elaine , my apo! woke me and her ate anna just to tell us that the family christmas proram is over, the gifts has been distributed and it's time for noche buena!... wtf! i havent wrapped my gifts....

... it was ok.. i mean christmas.... i mean that night... kinda a bit ordinary coz we did celebrate it without daddy this year but then ... everythings ok.. still got the same old happy family thingie... still got the same old routine that you need to present any of ur "TALENT" in order for you to get your presents ...but it think they added up a twist this year... CJ , LJ and EZRAH played trip to jerusalem... giving the winner the priviledge to be the first one to open his gifts... hahaha aliw!

...aliwness... happiness...seriousness...cuteness...closeness
name it we got it...

... expect extra-ordinary things to happen... as in.... cards may not be played for you

how was christmas?

ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong .. 7:15:00 AM
0 bulong

diba, dati nga ....
