today is a Friday, December 23, 2005 :)
the much awaited alcohol content of my life
over san mig light, vodka cruiser and vodka ice i had my much awaited bonding with my two roommates leng and olga and new friends kuya kiks and yas!...
i've been wanting to put some alcohol in my system the past couple of months and wednesday night was D Day!
we were abl eto talk about a lot of things pour out a lot of emotions and cater to different topics but one thing is for sure.. THAT EVENING WAS MY MOMENT!... hahaha --- thanks to them i was able to pour my heart out, let them hear things i would never dare to say in front of people... that evening gave me the courage to face the truth and know what to do although the stupid and stubborn me is still here... still half wishing.... ---
life itself has it's ups and down we have our own dreams that we wish we could reach just two days before christmas... hope we all have a happy holidays...
i hope it won't rain....
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
5:01:00 AM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....