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psychedelic musings of a tarayquin

today is a Friday, July 01, 2005


i dont want to believe it ... im 24 and im having the quarter life crisis...

i was browsing to different sites (talk about being in front of the pc and doing nothing... absolutely nothing...) suddenly this idea of checking in QUARTERLIFE CRISIS on the search bar popped up in my head!... the first thing that hit me was this line

....Quarterlife crisis describes the period where twentysomethings freak out.

am i freakin out??
wait...reality check

am i really goin through this crisis?

there are 6 signs as one link said...

...You don’t know what you want
One major cause of anxiety is that twentysomethings are afraid that we’re not going to find the passion in life that inspires us, whether it’s a job, a hobby, or a person. You worry that not only are you not going to be able to figure out how to get what you want, but also that you might not discover what it is you really want in the first place.

...Your 20s aren’t what you expected
We expect that our college and post-college years will be the most carefree, responsibility-free time of our independent adult lives. But then when you are sitting alone at home, thinking that everyone else your age has it together while you’re missing your college friends, wondering how to find a date, and realizing you have no idea what you want to do with your life, you feel like your uncertainties and doubts mean that there’s something wrong with you.

...You have a fear of failure
Another sign of a Quarterlife Crisis is a fear of failure – that if you fail at one thing, you’ll fail at another, and your self esteem will plummet

...You can’t let go of childhood
You feel stuck in a limbo somewhere between young adulthood and adulthood, and you don’t know how or when to let go of your childhood, or if you even want to

...You waffle over decisions
You’re afraid that the choices you make now will put you on a path that will affect the rest of your life, and that if you make a mistake now, you won’t be able to repair it later

...You constantly compare
You compare yourself to your peers and feel like you come up short. It’s like attending a high school reunion, year after year after year. You’re constantly measuring yourself, whether it’s against your friends or against the standards you set up for yourself, however unreasonable they may be


i'm not a hundred percent sure that i have the "QLC"... but the signs are there.. and some of them are true.... another O-M-G..

i hope i'm not going on this one and if i am i hope i'll be able to overcome this....

mawnin people....

ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong .. 2:08:00 AM
0 bulong

diba, dati nga ....
