today is a Monday, June 06, 2005 :)
try ko ulit maging seryoso (part 2)
.... today i woke up thinking what the hell... ??? what's happening to me?? I NEED to get serious with my life A.S.A.P.
i'm 24 years old... many people would think that i'm younger than my age when i act.. WADA... i couldnt care less... WHAT FOR?? I enjoy being myself... I love being me... I enjoy being ME...
finally, it's been 1 month of living out here in the urban jungle of makati... i have my own little log book where i would fill it up with my daily "gastusin"... i do super hope that it will help me process up things, budget my finances and be a little more cautious this time on how much i'm spending against how much i'm... im not growing any younger....
i hope it's working
... i have issues in moving on
well that's not me... that was a line from my friend.. one of his famous quotable qoutes... hahaha he said it earlier when we were talking about applying to a position opened in our department... on my part i have no issues at all... moving on is part of life... but i do get a little fraustrated everytime that i see someone step up one knotch in the ladder... i get so fraustrated for myself... but happy and fulfilled for those going up.. especially if they're my friends... if they contented with what they have.. if they're happy with what they have achieve im happy for them...
i cant help but dream when would be my time? am i not doing enough?
don't get me wrong... I'm HAPPY where i am ryt now... but I'm not yet FULFILLED..... I have a lot of things in mind that i cant seem to see materialize...
although i have these thoughts .. i just keep it to myself... sometimes i let it out through writings.. (Like this one!) but mostly... those type of thoughts are teh words left unspoken ... for my part at least....
having these colloquial conversations with my friends , reflecting and digging to it deeply made me realize HOW MUCH I HAVE and HOW MUCH IM MISSING....
.... when will my time come? when will my dreams finally come true?
i dreamt of being a teacher when i was a kid... a lawyer and a writer when i was a little bit older na (during my university days ... the academe taught me a lot in life!)... now im a call center agent... i'm plannig to go to law school but i need to get a good job that will allow me to do and pursue my dreams... REALITY CHECK! again.. i would still want to pursue my dream.. be a lawyer for a foundation... help those who are in need .. BANTAY BATA here i come.. ... would it be bacd if i ask God what are His plans for me? would it be too much to ask Him to give me a list of what i should do, what i need to do to get to where He planned me to be? would it br too much to ask HIM to give me FuLfiLLMEnt?
Lord i know i've been BAD... VERY BAD but i'm asking for a new chance... for You to FIX my life....
ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong ..
4:00:00 AM
0 bulong
diba, dati nga ....