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psychedelic musings of a tarayquin

today is a Monday, October 16, 2006

:) daddy's 1st birthday

dad has been gone exactly one year today
it's dejavu once again for me since im sitting here inside this office at the same time , same day though different year....

there is still a bit of pain but i have moved on
i miss him so much
i still long for his songs , for his wonderful imagination, for the stories that i always ask him to tell over and over again

i love him so much.. and im glad that i was able to be with him during the last months of his stay here...he often times visit me in my dreams thus making me miss him more.... :(
( it's so odd that everytime i'm going to have a dream about him... my mom will also has one.. exact same night...** though in my dreams daddy speaks to me.. mom's ? nada no dialogue ** hehehehe)

daddy we miss you.... we love you... we'll see you again...

happy 1st birthday *** in heaven***! hehehe

ang sabi ni mayumi.. kelan edi noong .. 3:19:00 AM
0 bulong

diba, dati nga ....
